Privacy Policy
Effective Date: December 4, 2024
Zero Email Storage Policy
Email AI Helper does NOT store any email content, attachments, or message data. All processing happens in real-time through direct API integration with OpenAI, and no email content is ever saved to our servers.
1. What We Store
We strictly limit data storage to essential information only:
Essential Account Data
- Email address (for authentication)
- Subscription status (Free/Personalization/Gold plan)
- Display preferences (font size, dark mode)
Usage Statistics
- Number of emails processed (counts only)
- API usage metrics (no content)
- Error logs (no personal data)
Custom Prompts Guidelines
If you save custom prompts for personalization, please:
- Keep prompts generic (e.g., "Use a professional tone")
- Never include client names or sensitive information
- Avoid personal or identifying details
- Focus on writing style and tone only
Good Example: "Write in a friendly, professional tone with clear bullet points"
Bad Example: "Use the tone from my email to [Client Name] about [Confidential Project]"
2. How Email Processing Works
Real-Time Processing
- Emails are processed in real-time through OpenAI's API
- No email content is ever stored on our servers
- Attachments are processed temporarily in memory only
- All data is immediately discarded after processing
3. Data Security
- Encryption: All communications use HTTPS encryption
- API Security: Direct, encrypted connection to OpenAI
- Access Control: Strict authentication and authorization
- Data Minimization: We only store what's absolutely necessary
4. Third-Party Services
- OpenAI: Processes email content in real-time (no storage)
- Firebase: Stores user preferences and authentication
- Stripe: Handles payment processing (if applicable)
5. Your Rights
- Access your account data anytime
- Delete your account and all associated data
- Export your preferences
- Update or remove custom prompts
6. Enterprise Users
For enterprise deployments, we offer:
- Custom data retention policies
- Organization-wide settings
- Advanced security controls
- Dedicated support
7. Contact Information
For questions about our privacy practices:
- Support:
- Enterprise:
- Address: Email AI Helper LLC, 8820 N Kensington Dr, Spokane, WA 99208
Our Commitment
We are committed to protecting your privacy through:
- Zero email storage policy
- Real-time processing only
- Minimal data collection
- Clear, transparent practices